Hybrid or volume lashes?

The other day I ran a poll over at our Instagram and the results were fascinating. Over 50 people guessed hybrid lashes (which I was hoping the votes would sway)⁣

On my service menu I only have 2 options classic and volume lashes..no option for hybrid.⁣.. Now, when most women think volume lashes you’re thinking of those giant Caterpillar looking lashes. Well that’s not always the case behind volume artistry so clients turn away. The answer was VOLUME LASHES by the way. The point was to prove volume is customizable depending on the number of fans you use throughout the set.

You can go from really light volume lashes(as shown in the picture) to really dark and thick volume lashes, all depending on what the client wants. So all in all volume is customizable and can get the same effect as hybrid lashes! So I’m happy that poll turned out the way I wanted to prove my point! ⁣

Hybrid never fascinated me as I like more of a clean look on a clients eye than messy. Neither is wrong, just depends on your preference as an artist as well as what client is looking for! Now go create


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